Slovenski Koran

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Explore the "Slovenski Koran," the first complete translation of the Holy Quran into Slovenian by Ivan Kushnir. This remarkable work provides a faithful translation from the original Arabic, making the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Quran accessible to Slovenian readers for the first time.

Read the book online for free or secure your personal copy by purchasing it directly from the publisher’s website or Amazon. Don't miss the opportunity to explore this monumental religious text in your native language.

Elevate your understanding of the Quran and connect with the words that have inspired millions for centuries. Get your copy today!

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Raziskujte "Slovenski Koran", prvi popolni prevod svetega Korana v slovenski jezik, ki ga je ustvaril Ivan Kušnir. To izjemno delo ponuja zvest prevod iz izvirnika v arabščini, s čimer slovenskim bralcem prvič omogoča dostop do duhovne in kulturne dediščine Korana.

Knjigo lahko preberete brezplačno na spletu ali si zagotovite osebni izvod s nakupom neposredno na spletnem mestu založnika ali na Amazonu. Ne zamudite priložnosti, da raziskujete to pomembno religiozno besedilo v svojem maternem jeziku.

Poglobite svoje razumevanje Korana in se povežite z besedami, ki so navdihnile milijone skozi stoletja. Priskrbite si svoj izvod še danes!

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